Outside My Comfort Zone

Public speaking is generally outside most people’s comfort zone. My work involves public speaking in a sense. BUT… usually I’m speaking as someone else. Usually they’re not my words or ideas. Or rarely shared sentiments. But when celebrated acting teacher Margie Haber asks me to be on her podcast it doesn’t compute as speaking in public… We’re just going to have a conversation. What could be more comfortable? Sitting in my air conditioned apartment during Read more…

When the Squirrel Thoughts Come, Find a Quiet Corner

I’m sitting in the shady corner of the porch. The leaves on the trees are still lush and green providing a natural awning from the surrounding windows. It’s sunny and bright but the air is cleanly cool, not bracing. There is no subtle foreboding that soon all will be naked and barren. It’s just a perfect September morning. A brown-grey blur suddenly bolts from the hedge. The squirrel skitters around the base of the Sycamore Read more…


Queen Elizabeth died. I tested positive for Covid.We both had a good long run. No I am not comparing myself to one of the longest reigning monarchs of all time. But at the end of the day we are all dust and ashes. And before that we are a multitude of things. I consider myself a healthy person but I will also overindulge on food and wine. I will walk thirty blocks without a second Read more…

Roaring Back Into the Game

What is up?! I know! It’s been forever. So much life happening in all of its extremes. I hope that you, my random readers and loving supporters have been well through the shifting landscapes of 2022. Before I get back to my weekly musings on art and life I’ll do a quick tour de force catch up. On one hand I can’t believe it’s September, on the other there had to be a minimum of Read more…

Woman Crush Wednesday

New Year. New trends. I’m jumping on the Women Crush Wednesday wagon to scream about my castmate Heather Alicia Simms.  As you probably know (endless social media posts, sorry not sorry), last night was the season premier of Kings of Napa, a new drama on OWNtv that I am thrilled to be a part of (but you’ve got to wait another episode before my character debuts) but but but LAST night was the big debut Read more…


Wrong spelling, right energy. Attitude may not be everything but it’s more than 50 percent.I’m keeping it simple today. I am grateful for so many things, among them the privilege of sharing my art with the world. I’m grateful to be a working actor. I’m grateful for all the positive representations despite the negative bias. I’m grateful that I got to spend my summer in service to a vision of Black excellence the world hasn’t Read more…

Well Hello again…

I’ve been cocooned for much longer than I thought it would take to gather my thoughts – which can be a bit like harnessing butterflies. But it feels great to break out of the shell and be back in the virtual world.  Life in the real world has been busy and full; imperfect and puzzling but with bouts of laughter and whoops of celebratory glee. Sometimes the mess can be bigger than the tools at Read more…

Surrender In The Room

When I started acting in Hollywood I believed every audition was a potential Golden Ticket. All my fortunes could change overnight based on my interpretation of a few pages of dialogue. All I had to do was learn my lines, come up with interesting behavior for the character, make bold choices, be believable, cry on cue, hit all the beats and land all the laughs. Oh, do be personable and engaging during the small talk Read more…