May (the merry month)

Wednesday’s hump was sizable.  I revised the About page on the blog.  It is normally not a noteworthy endeavor but as happens when you avoid doing something, everything is that much weightier when you finally get around to it. I haven’t been inspired to make any notes from The Middle Read more…

in the now of the middle

No Wednesday post!  Again?! The middle of this week was stuffed to capacity, an overflowing of sloppy joe guts in this week’s life sandwich.  And the recipe didn’t allow for sides like blogging.  It was an interesting day with the voices.  They were a chorus of ‘shoulds’. The sane option Read more…

Make the middle count

What procrastination looks like today. today  today  today I walked the dog, because it was a good thing to do.  And a selfless act too because the snowstorm had just started.  Well, mostly selfless since I did have to pick up a book at the library.  But I didn’t have Read more…