A Moment of Joy

I booked a gig. Big yay.Biggest yay though? Getting back a negative Covid test. I am cleared to step onto set.The 36 hour wait was interminable, and a great privilege. There’s so much to unpack about the experience but I’ll have to come back to that. For now, I just Read more…

Call me by my name

I have a three syllable name. It is not uncommon for people to immediately want to truncate it. The other day a man I’ve met a handful of times called me Kim in greeting, it was warm and friendly and harbored no ill will. I don’t remember what automatic acknowledgement Read more…

remember to give thanks

I started this year with a forty day gratitude challenge. It seems a lifetime ago. The challenge was a mental health exercise which seemed timely then and prescient now. A wise friend once told me that while you’re practicing gratitude you’re incapable of having a pity party; it’s like sneezing Read more…

quarantine self care: a recipe

7 key ingredients you will need knowledge from legit sources like World Health Organization or The Center for Disease Control; also your local city/state/provincial websites will have the most current updates that apply directly to you. EVERYTHING else is second hand speculation and hearsay. rest water healthy whole foods physical Read more…