monday getaway

“I don’t have anything to do.”  This is a common plaint of the nephews when they know exactly what they want to do but know it’s outside their reach.  This is usually an activity involving a screen.  It’s a version of the “I’m bored” whine I used to serve, sans Read more…


I love them.  I love to soak in the soothing warmth of them and then wrap myself in their cashmere softness.  Sometimes I inhale a perfect cluster of them that clears my head in a eucalyptus rush.  Sometimes they come at me aggressively, all sharp angles and pointed jabs.  And Read more…

manage your moments

A note from the land of Obvious:  Nothing lasts forever. Especially not people.  I didn’t have a  large family to begin with but I”m down to one grandparent and one parent.  I don’t know how many months or years there are before I”m orphaned but the reality is, time is Read more…

writing on the wall.

the present moment.  that’s all there is.  right here.  right now. and that’s the manifest for this week… be where you are.  fully. commit to being present. and enjoy. enjoy your moments people.  

look again

“The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was.  Nobody’d move.  You could go there a hundred thousand times.. Nobody’d be different.  The only thing that would be different would be you.  Not that you’d be so much older or anything.  It wouldn’t Read more…

Make the middle count

What procrastination looks like today. today  today  today I walked the dog, because it was a good thing to do.  And a selfless act too because the snowstorm had just started.  Well, mostly selfless since I did have to pick up a book at the library.  But I didn’t have Read more…