What if the most revolutionary thing you could do was to commit to living a fully conscious life?  Some argue the Occupy

Animal Farm

Animal Farm (Photo credit: Ben Templesmith)

Movement is a threat not because people mobilized, but because people realized they have voices and those voices were being heard.  The somnambulist masses have awoken. (yes that’s a big buck word, i like words.)  And what’s so scary about people who are wide awake?  Remember a little story called Animal Farm?

Back in high school I would throw everything I had into a protest but if the politician was indebted to the lobbyist for the cause I was against, what weight did my little ol’ petition really have?  Dust in the wind.  The volume of woes in the world today is daunting, I even contracted a condition;  Compassion Exhaustion (the fancier Latinate name might draw accusations of elitism).  It is a very real condition that makes you so overwhelmed you succumb to emotional paralysis and slowly stop giving a f*@k.  When you’re inundated with bleak and negative news every day how do you motivate to make change?   I’m on the mend from the C.E. and I still want the world to be a better place but honestly, the energy, who has it in our hyper-connected over-extended world?

Everyone with a hole in their face has the ability to opine, but until action is taken nothing will change.  Change doesn’t have to be a big sweeping internet campaign, it’s the quiet everyday choices we make in our lives. I can mouth off about Monsanto and agribusiness but I do my spleen more good by simply buying food I know isn’t produced by them.  Inspired by recent Lenten changes, I’m on a quest to live more consciously and more aware of the impact my choices have.  It’s a micro-revolution, but I’m hoping it goes viral.

Here are a couple of things I’m looking at in my life this week:  Is all my food really food or an edible oil product?  How many of my ”locally” spent dollars are really going to China?


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