behind the scenes, on set during Covid

It is nineteen days until November 3.

The United States presidential election and its ancillary details are all consuming. Every day there is a collision with the wreckage of American democracy. I am in a constant state of rubber necking the gruesome pileup of politics and campaigning.
All while the global pandemic continues to batter away.
The best way to ride out this shit storm of a year?
Self care.
Everything else? Shelf care. Anything not supporting the greater good is shelved until further notice.

I bought new reading glasses. I call them my Ednas, they evoke the stylishly opinionated animated character from The Incredibles. They are as deliciously over the top as she is and have blue light protection for hours of screen exposure.
I wish they could see into the future. Fantasy upgrades notwithstanding they make me feel good. A little bit of face armor for the day. A good lipstick used to do the trick but masks have made them obsolete. My Ednas paired with a good mask provide a whole face barricade to Covid aerosols.

Covid was a constant factor last week as I navigated the protocols of being on set. When I wasn’t wearing my Ednas I had PPE accessories provided by the production. There were many hurdles but everyone jumped through them with grace and discipline and I got to do my job. I got to perform and help with some good storytelling. We need positive, empowering narratives. I’m thrilled to have been of service. I’m lucky too. The character needed to have a professional manicure so I indulged in some pampering that hasn’t been an option for seven months. I am grateful for all these little details. Gratitude itself is self care.

For the past three weeks I’ve eaten greens with every meal and fruit with breakfast. Before that I had been feeling less than a 100 percent. Pandemic neglect had slowly shifted the balance in my normally healthy diet. I am definitely feeling better now which is why the Tuesday after Canadian Thanksgiving I had dessert for breakfast. Treats are self care.
I cherish a good night’s sleep. I like to honor it with a good feeling breakfast like coconut yogurt and homemade granola. Self care is the little things.
Filming messes with the internal clock but being able to ply my craft is a great consolation. I’m grateful I have another role to start preparing.
I’m grateful for all the ways I can correct my course when the internet and the news cycle seek to derail my well being.

Self care is so much more than bubble baths and meditation. It can be many things.
A good laugh.
An extra coffee.
Reaching out.
Declining that call.
Buying second hand books.
Burning sage.
Wearing lipstick at home.

Darlings, here’s a challenge: Redefine what self care means to you. Every day for nineteen days. Invent new ways to sooth, nourish, inspire and grow. Armed with my Ednas and imagination my focus is clear. I can tcb and take care of me at the same time.


sharon lewis · October 15, 2020 at 10:44 PM

Yes yes yes K
Wearing lipstick at home
Mine is wearing expensive perfume at home!

    justk · October 17, 2020 at 11:21 PM

    Yes, the fancy perfume needs to be enjoyed now!

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