Good Gifts

Heeeeeeey fam! I’m a little giddy because I just had a birthday. I love birthdays because… what’s not to love. The bar for celebrating is pretty low – you didn’t do any of the heavy pushing, you just turned up and everyone made the biggest fuss. And they do so Read more…

no more harsh truths

When I began studying yoga and Ayurveda I could not reconcile the first two Yamas.  I”m going to grossly simplify things and say that the Yamas and Niyamas, there are five of each, are the commandments of yoga.  The first echoes the Golden Rule, Do No Harm.  The second is Read more…

my voice

So many voices. So many voices inside my head that when I was ten I worried I’d inherited the crazy gene.  I had heard the stories about the crazy aunt in Jamaica.  I had my own memories of her, so faded I had to squint to remember but the craziness was Read more…