Looking at Blue Skies

The days have literally been sunny and bright since November 3rd, with the northeast enjoying unseasonably balmy days. Wary, I didn’t fully revel in it until the Associated Press called the results four days later. I was glad I had work to occupy me. I am always grateful to be Read more…


I can’t even pretend to have focus. Well I can but it’s fleeting. There has never been a date like this November 3rd that I’ve waited for with as much trepidation and furtive hope. I nurture it clandestinely and try to go about business as usual. I made carrot soup Read more…

Birthday pass

“It’s like a hall pass for bad birthday behaviour, and other ish.” me, yesterday Who doesn’t love celebrating a birthday? There are very few questions that have unanimous answers, but look at the question. Even if you don’t enjoy celebrating your own birthday there is someone you love to celebrate Read more…

eat better. vote.

Rage. I was all set to write about rage and then something washed over me. Grace? Probably not. Probably fatigue. I’m spent, what with all the raging. I remember that there’s a new moon, maybe it transited to a benevolent position when I sat down to write. I want to Read more…