“what is on your head dude?”

muttered to myself @ the traffic light, Bathurst and College, TO composed in the car, northbound on Bathurst, 1.11.13, 11:30am   He’s making his way into the bus shelter because clearly he should not get all those bandages wet.  His head is a checkerboard of white band aids and scalp.  A Read more…

A thought on elections

What if instead of just checking off a name you had to justify it?  Right there on the ballot.  But in your own words.  It’d still be anonymous but you’d have to vouch for your choice – I pick Mitt Romney because he looks like me and I believe he’s Read more…

Pigeon English, my two cents

Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman There’s been a bit of fuss over this book.  I love distinct voices and the Ghanian-Brit argot of a pre-teen sounded like something more to love.  Game on. There are few books I start and do not finish.  I feel an almost moral obligation to not Read more…

dare to make eye contact

It was an extra busy week last week.  Lots of racing from appointment to audition to rehearsal, squeezing in last-minute appointments for wardrobe fittings and trying to be on time for all of it.  (I was up for the challenge.)  But as I bobbed and wove  my way through the Read more…

my voice

So many voices. So many voices inside my head that when I was ten I worried I’d inherited the crazy gene.  I had heard the stories about the crazy aunt in Jamaica.  I had my own memories of her, so faded I had to squint to remember but the craziness was Read more…