
It’s a trip. It’s a gas. It’s a revelation. I’m halfway through my solo road trip across the country.  It’s a banquet of experiences and I’m gorging myself silly.  There’s much to digest but too much to share at my quick nightly stops.  There are multiple stories happening every day, Read more…


I’m no statistician but for each death there is a birth.  That has been my experience.  Within six months of my mother’s death my sister gave birth to nephew No.2.  That sounds like pretty limited experience but there are other examples, the most recent ones striking a cord. Last week Read more…

the club

Brevity is not my strong suit.  If it can be said in ten words or less I will masterfully find a way to express it in forty.  It’s a gift.  But there is one arena where I am skillfully succinct – sharing my condolences.  It is easy to express myself Read more…

Baby Steps

‘Stating the Obvious’ alert.  Obviously it’s a challenge to keep my posts regular.  This blogging business is harder than I thought.  But that’s obviously true for much of life, you just don’t know until you know.  And you can’t know until you try.  So I’m going to give this another Read more…