carpe diem

It’s how an ordinary day becomes extraordinary. I don’t know it’s going to happen when I open I eyes. I’m just glad for another day and I try to practice all the mindfulness and awareness possible before I’m wired with caffeine and internet. If I’m not behind schedule with the Read more…

Every day at least one

If Kara had a quarter for every time a guy spoke to her cleavage – she’d have roughly $3, 276. This isn’t as much as she’d have expected but its an honest appraisal based on a weekly average starting from the age of fourteen when the wonder of hormones changed Read more…

*for integrated scales only*

It was a spa of the future.  Tammy had been saving for it since college.  There were the requisite super soft cozy robes made from bamboo silk.  The sheets were nine thousand thread count hemp fibre.  For the few who could afford the elite fees, there were guest rooms bathed Read more…

“I’ll draw a word”

It was his favorite game the spring he turned five. Every Tuesday while his brother had tennis lessons, Sebastien and his mom played the Chalk Word game. Mariel grabbed the bucket of sidewalk chalk from the trunk and they tried to cover as much of the empty concrete wading pool Read more…

May (the merry month)

Wednesday’s hump was sizable.  I revised the About page on the blog.  It is normally not a noteworthy endeavor but as happens when you avoid doing something, everything is that much weightier when you finally get around to it. I haven’t been inspired to make any notes from The Middle Read more…

live with?

I have to tell you I was a little embarrassed. I mean I had no idea where you were and there’s your mom asking one hundred and one questions. Literally. I really believe she can squeeze that many into a half an hour. She talks fast man!  Anyway, I know Read more…

Cherry Blossom

The first time the message came from a robin. P was four but she wasn’t afraid because her mom’s name was Robin. That was the first time P realized she didn’t look like her mom. She didn’t look like her dad either. But the park was full of people who Read more…