change fear

I’ve changed my mind six times about today’s post.  The topic is was change.  Ironic?  Moronic?  Maybe.  Things are changing all the time.  Why are we resistant to some changes more than other? Kei’s little theory for today: All resistance to change is connected to fear of the unknown, and the Read more…


I love them.  I love to soak in the soothing warmth of them and then wrap myself in their cashmere softness.  Sometimes I inhale a perfect cluster of them that clears my head in a eucalyptus rush.  Sometimes they come at me aggressively, all sharp angles and pointed jabs.  And Read more…

the club

Brevity is not my strong suit.  If it can be said in ten words or less I will masterfully find a way to express it in forty.  It’s a gift.  But there is one arena where I am skillfully succinct – sharing my condolences.  It is easy to express myself Read more…

all the little details

My bank offered me a line of credit last week.  There was a small questionnaire that’s usually a minor formality but because I answer yes that someone in my family had been diagnosed with cancer before the age of sixty a follow-up interview was necessary. And so we begin.  Last Doctor’s visit?  A Read more…

Baby Steps

‘Stating the Obvious’ alert.  Obviously it’s a challenge to keep my posts regular.  This blogging business is harder than I thought.  But that’s obviously true for much of life, you just don’t know until you know.  And you can’t know until you try.  So I’m going to give this another Read more…