Looking at Blue Skies

The days have literally been sunny and bright since November 3rd, with the northeast enjoying unseasonably balmy days. Wary, I didn’t fully revel in it until the Associated Press called the results four days later. I was glad I had work to occupy me. I am always grateful to be Read more…

wait for a moment of inspiration

It’s been eleven weeks since Camilla spoke in a voice above a whisper.  The family is growing anxious but Dr. Ruhl assures everyone this phase will pass.  Mrs. Hammond-Price refuses to communicate in the hushed tones her daughter insists upon so Camilla doesn’t really talk to her mother. Dr. Ruhl Read more…

Ken Follett

He’s walking right to me.  He walks with the springy gait and stiff shoulders of a resident gym rat, huge negative space between his bowed thighs and his arms sit well away from his torso.  The subway platform isn’t crowded at this time of day but he’s not stopping at any Read more…

New York Minutes

8 minutes, March 26, 2014; platform for the A train (express) They’re supposed to be super fast in this city built for speed.  Lightening speed, pulsating and caffeinated like the inky joe served up in the iconic blue cups.  But minutes are an eternity when my bladder is full. Across the Read more…