Cherry Blossom

The first time the message came from a robin. P was four but she wasn’t afraid because her mom’s name was Robin. That was the first time P realized she didn’t look like her mom. She didn’t look like her dad either. But the park was full of people who Read more…

“the mocha cake from Metro”

Bethany hates sharing her birthday with her sister.  They don’t have a great relationship and it will never change.  They have little in common, and other than being twins they are completely unlike.  They do not have shared psychic experiences. Bethany wishes she was an only child, which is what Read more…

“let’s go drink”

Kyla wipes the black smudges from the corners of her eyes while watching him sleep.  His breath is deep and  thunders softly in his chest.  But he is not fully snoring.  Kyla is glad about this.  She chews the inside of her lip as she counts through the positions they Read more…

39.5 an update

I introduced the concept of Lent to my nephews over supper.  I hadn’t signed off on either wheat or meditation although I had abstained from the former and practiced the latter that morning just to cover my bases.  The boys were eagerly engaged in the debate with Number 1 proposing Read more…

forty days

We’re an hour into Lent on the East Coast.  I am not Catholic but for three days I’ve been racking my brains about what to give up for the next forty.  Over the years I’ve given up tangible things like wine, chocolate, and coffee.  I’ve tried intangible concepts like giving up Read more…


Image via Wikipedia When I was growing up the favorite hue of a favorite aunt was anything but black.  Any color was fair game for her closet.  Evenings out were cloaked in patterns of pink (hot) and varying shades of red or wine (from Beaujolais to bordeaux).  Church clothes were Read more…