remember to give thanks

I started this year with a forty day gratitude challenge. It seems a lifetime ago. The challenge was a mental health exercise which seemed timely then and prescient now. A wise friend once told me that while you’re practicing gratitude you’re incapable of having a pity party; it’s like sneezing Read more…

Make the middle count

What procrastination looks like today. today  today  today I walked the dog, because it was a good thing to do.  And a selfless act too because the snowstorm had just started.  Well, mostly selfless since I did have to pick up a book at the library.  But I didn’t have Read more…

39.5 an update

I introduced the concept of Lent to my nephews over supper.  I hadn’t signed off on either wheat or meditation although I had abstained from the former and practiced the latter that morning just to cover my bases.  The boys were eagerly engaged in the debate with Number 1 proposing Read more…

forty days

We’re an hour into Lent on the East Coast.  I am not Catholic but for three days I’ve been racking my brains about what to give up for the next forty.  Over the years I’ve given up tangible things like wine, chocolate, and coffee.  I’ve tried intangible concepts like giving up Read more…