He tells me my dear Gertrude

Aunt Gee is rare form today.  Alzheimer’s is a no-win son-of-a-bitch disease.  Most of the time she thinks I’m my dead brother which turns the visit into an emotional mine field for all concerned.  Even the day nurse cringes visibly at our stilted exchanges.  But the real challenge is when she recognizes Read more…

in a fog

I can’t remember his name but he seems familiar somehow.  Vaguely familiar.  Everything is vague these days.  In truth, it’s been that way for some time.  The memory has always been sketchy, except for poetry, I can still recite the Sonnets and  pages upon pages of Dickenson and Donne.  But Read more…

Where coffee is served

It’s the only peace she gets now.  A few minutes at the new cafe when she walks down the hill for Momma’s daily paper.  Momma still refuses to let them deliver it to the house even though the Baylor boy has long since given up the route.  Even his son Read more…