He tells me my dear Gertrude

Aunt Gee is rare form today.  Alzheimer’s is a no-win son-of-a-bitch disease.  Most of the time she thinks I’m my dead brother which turns the visit into an emotional mine field for all concerned.  Even the day nurse cringes visibly at our stilted exchanges.  But the real challenge is when she recognizes Read more…

fat free

My therapist said I had to make better choices. I chose to fire her. And I chose to go back to gluten. I wasn’t depressed because of gluten, I was depressed because I was heartbroken.  Because I was heartbroken I ate too many bad pastries.  I like sugar.  Sugar makes me Read more…

Broadway’s best party

“What do you think of the shirt?” “It’s a nice shirt. What jacket are you wearing with it?” “I’m not wearing a jacket.” “It’s a big deal party Guy, you gotta wear a jacket.” “We’re musicians. We don’t have to do jackets.” “Are you already high? We’re not rock stars. Read more…

Bodega cat is the best pet

It started as a joke, like all great traditions. Kenny gave me the pet rock the summer of my twelfth birthday. It’s not a real trademarked one like Shauna Brayer had. It’s better. Kenny made it himself from a rock he found at his parents’ cottage. The googly eyes came Read more…